
A man travels round the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.- George Moore. Welcome home!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


One of the easiest things to do in life is to quit and give up. This is because we naturally wouldn’t want to put or leave ourselves under the crushing weight of contrary situations. We want to run away from dangers and hide in the face of difficulty. It’s just natural. It’s just human. But life is not made to be lived on the realm of softness. And of course, it is important to note that life is tough. Life will bring you to a point when you have to choose between quitting and continuing. And at this point, many quit.

Why do we quit? We quit when we are not getting the expected results. Lots of time we get into businesses, relationships and others things with expectations. Some of these expectations are realistic while others are not. But as long as we retain unrealistic expectations we are bound to be disappointed. Sometimes our realistic expectations are not forth coming as at when expected and so we quit. We quit doing what we know is right. We quit believing in the power of our dreams. We quit. Unfortunately, many people don’t realise that often times the breakthroughs lie just after the quitting point. We don’t realise that our salvations are nearer than when we believed and so we quit. Had we persevered a little longer, maybe our victory would’ve smiled at us. But that eludes us because we did quit.

Also, we quit because we were ill-prepared for our endeavours. The Scriptures enjoin us to sit down and count the cost of any endeavour before embarking on it. But most of times, we let our emotions and enthusiasm override our reasons and start without adequate preparations, only to realise that we would need more than emotion can offer. Not to prepare is to prepare to fail. We must count the cost of the journey before starting. The beauty of a project is in the completion. Abandoned projects make ugly sites and that is the reason many lives are ugly. We cannot go forward in life by abandoning what we started but we will not fare better if we don’t prepare before starting.

Furthermore, we quit because of lack of courage. The worst state in life is a state of discouragement. It’s a pathetic state. Not even God can do a thing worthwhile in the life of a discouraged person. Before any major assignment in life God will work in the heart of the person to put courage there. This is because only a courageous person can win. Lack of courage is more dangerous than lack of talent and skills. When courage leaves success leaves. This is because success and courage are partners.

Finally, we quit because important people around our lives don’t believe in us. It could be very distressing to anyone when the people who are supposed to aid you become your detractors. It could really be disheartening when your supporters turn against you. At such moments, it is easy to quit. But you see it is still possible to win in spite of your oppositions. If you believe and are fully convinced in your course of action then go on. No one can stop you without your consent. If you refuse to consent to negative views and opinions they can’t stop you.

Are you convinced about what you want to do? Are you facing discouragement right now? Be assured you are not far from your breakthrough. This is not the time to giveup; this is the time to go up. Keep moving. Keep keeping on. Keep believing. Keep trying. Without the last breath of your life keep fighting. You may be faint be don’t give up. You may be knocked down but don’t give up. Rise up and move. The snail may be slow but with steady inputs will get to its destination. May God grant you the grace to continue and cross to the other side called victory.

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