
A man travels round the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.- George Moore. Welcome home!

Friday, July 31, 2009

7 Things That Will Destroy Us

· Wealth without work
· Pleasure without conscience
· Science without humanity
· Commerce without morality
· Knowledge without character
· Worship without sacrifice
· Politics without principle



Yesterday, around 7.30pm, I felt a nudge in my spirit that something wasn’t alright. I couldn’t understand it immediately but later I realized I made a mistake. I was spending extra time with my computer at the expense of being at home with my wife. Immediately I asked God to forgive me and rushed home. My wife wasn’t happy but I took time to apologize.

A heartfelt expression of ‘I am sorry’ can do more for you and your relationships than any other thing. Learning to say ‘I am sorry’ will deliver you from so much danger and heartaches. It quells the fury of anger and revenge. It snuffs life out of bitterness and hatred. It rebuilds broken relationships and oils the wheel of friendship. But most importantly, it kills pride.

Do you realize that pride is the major reason many find it difficult to apologize? Each time you go to someone and apologize for a wrong you did, you puncture your ego and no one wants his or her ego punctured. But when we realize that peace and good relationship are superior to our ego and pride, we can go to any length to ensure peace and harmony with one another.

For you to step out of your way to make peace will mean that your conscience is alive. A conscience that is alive will be pricked when you are erring. It’s literally impossible to honestly amend situations if your conscience is hardened. Ask God to touch your conscience and watch Him transform your life.

Today is the right time to start amending your relationships. You have the ability to make the most out of situations and people. Don’t continue keeping malice. Go and amend your relationships.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

God will Supply Your Needs

I was at it yesterday. Standing before a crowd of very enlightened christians to teach the Word of God. It was quite challenging but God saw me through. What a joy to hear testimonies of been blessed by senior christians who are priviledged to listen to the Rev. Simeon Afolabi.

The topic was -The Beauty of Divine Supply and the major text was John 2:1-11. Nothing is as beautiful as to have God as your Supplier. He is a Master at suppling abundantly. When He supplies He gives the best quality and He's never late. How can you enjoy divine supply constantly?

1. Make sure you call Jesus into your life and your endeavours in the beginning. When everything is still intact make sure the Lord is with you so that when you run short of supply you can call Him without guilt.

2. Learn to be frank with God. Don't pretend all is well when 'You have no wine'. Tell Him how it is with you. He loves sincerity and truthfulness.

3. Be willing to obey Him to the later. Partial obedience is total disobedience. Obey Him promptly and you will never lack divine supply.

Finally, why will He supply your needs? So that His name can be glorified in your life. He wants to receive glory through you, pls don't deny Him that.


Are there issues and expectations in your life? Have you been trusting God for certain things for some time now? Be patient. God doesn’t owe any man. If you will wait for Him, He will show up when you least expect. He wants to bless you abundantly but He demands you to be patient.

What happens when you are patient? You are matured and developed to carry the blessing. Have you considered that you may not yet be ready for what you are asking God for? Let patience mature you and God’s blessing won’t destroy you. For more on patience http://www.quotationspage.com/subjects/patience/

Patience and passage of time do more than strength and fury.
Jean de La Fontaine (1621 - 1695)

Patience is the best medicine.
John Florio (1553? - 1625)

Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.
Plautus (254? - 184 BC)

Have you prayed today?

I had a few challenges not long ago and was struggling to
solve them but to no avail. Then it dawn on me that I needed divine assistance. I prayed and the answer was swift that I couldn’t believe it.

Have you prayed today? Do you know that God doesn’t have a legal backing to interfere with your affairs until you pray? Prayer allows God to manifest Himself in the challenges you face. Don’t keep struggling to change the unchangeable, pray. Don’t keep struggling to do the impossible, pray. Do you believe in the power of prayer? Let me know.

Almighty God, give us the grace that we may cast away the
works of darkness, and put upon us the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life.
Book of Common Prayer

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

wisdom Nugget

If you want to make a new contribution you will need a new preparation.
Stephen Covey

Wisdom Nugget

If you want to know how the market is ask the people coming from there
Chinese Proverb

Wisdom For Today

Today is important.

It can make you or mar you.

It can raise your value or devalue you.

It can increase you or decrease you.

But guess who determines
the worth of today?


Therefore step out today and increase your

My wife and I

While in the office yesterday my wife called to find out if I was actually praying for the rain to stop. It’s been raining heavily since the early hours of the day. Should that demand prayer? Yes. We live in a house that is easily flooded. Earlier this month we attended a one week Convention in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. When we came back what we saw was shocking. Our house had been flooded. Our books and other belongings were seriously affected. I couldn’t believe it. We were very tired from the long trip but couldn’t rest with the bizarre situation our house was in. After recovering from the shock, we started cleaning and tidying up the house. It was really hectic, moving one thing from one point to another. We got a mason to do some work. Though the situation has improved but the danger is not completely averted. The threat of another flooding is real. But I believe God will deliver us. Recently, we started thinking of packing out of the house. Hopefully, we will get that done.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Jesus said to his disciples, "Don't be worried! Have faith in God and have faith in me. John 14:1

One of the easiest things to do in life is to worry. Invariably, there are many situations that place demands on us to worry about them. But we don’t have to give in to them and allow ourselves to worry. Sometimes, people may wonder what is wrong with you if aren’t worrying over your situations. They may mistake not worrying for lack of interest and unserious attitude. But there is a difference between worrying and showing interest.

Worry means a troubled unsettled feeling. That is a troubled state of mind. It means to be anxious. One other meaning of worry is illustrated with the disturbance dogs give to sheep. By their backing, pursuit and possibly biting dogs harass and disturb sheep. That is the same way situations tend to disturb us. But most situations cannot give mortal injuries but tend to make us feel they can and such feelings can produce more dangerous venom than the situation itself. So to worry about a situation is even more dangerous that the situation itself.

Many have failed in life as a result of worry. This is because worry saps energy and creativity. You cannot function at your best amidst worry. Worry makes situations larger than they really are. It makes a mountain out of a molehill; a giant out of a dwarf. Worry is a neutralizer. It can neutralize your potentials and make you incapable of acting accordingly. I understand what this means personally. I have been troubled lots of time and I can tell you that worry can incapacitate. But the most you cease from worrying certain ideas begin to filter into your mind. You begin to see the solutions to the challenge. Sometimes, though you may still be in the dark regarding what to do but worrying over it is not the solution.

The verse of Scripture above presents to us the perfect solution for worry- faith in God. There cannot be a better solution than that. Faith simply means to trust in God. It means to place confidence in God as the answer to your questions. By trusting God, you tell Him that He is able to handle the situations of your life. It tells Him that you depend on Him for help and solutions. And since no situation can defeat Him, we are sure of victory.

How do you express this faith in God? You can do that through prayer. When we pray we give God the right to interfere with our situations. We bring Him in through prayer. Philippians 4:6-7 reads, “Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.”

It is time to begin to experience peace even in the midst of ugly situations. It is time to pray. As you do this, you will experience the reality of the Scripture.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Duration of Love

Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end (Joh 13:1).

It could really be disturbing to see how many fall in love and fall out of love. We seem not to understand the duration of love. We sometimes take love to mean a feeling that comes and goes and our loving someone therefore depends on this fluctuating feeling. This is not the nature of love. Love is constant. It does not depend on feelings or emotions. It is superior to events and behaviour, beauty, fame, money, strengths and weaknesses, achievements and failures. Love is the only constant on earth. Therefore falling in and out of love only reveals our ignorance of the very nature and durability of love.

The only way to understand love is to find out from the Owner and Giver of love. God is love and no one can understand love outside of God. Checking back on the Scriptural passage above, we see Jesus loving His own and how long His love lasted. Who were these His own? They were His disciples, His followers. They were a group with many varied characters. One would betray Him, others would deny Him and yet others would not believe His message yet He loved them not for a time but to the end. There was no terminating of His love for them in spite of their weaknesses. His love was not conditional.

Everyone has his or her own. It could be your spouse, Child(ren), colleagues, friends and others. Do we love them to the end? Is not our love conditional? Why do we have increasing rate of separations and divorce? Is it not because we love to the middle or with conditions? God wants us to love to the end. It is better not to love than to love halfway. Don't start what you wouldn't finish. If you have your 'own' choose to love them to the end. Make up your mind and trust God to love unconditionally. That is the only acceptable love.

Eternal Perspective

"Follow me and I will make you..." (Matt. 4:19) That was Jesus call to his first disciples. It contained a command and a promise. The promise followed the command. Invariably, if they refuse to follow him they would never experience the making. The promise serves as a motivator to the demands of the injunction. Sometimes it's really difficult to follow Jesus, but when we realise that our making and success depends on it, it could serve as a motivation to allow him make us.

What was he going to make them? He was going to make them fishers of men. They were fishers before He met them but His calling and promise was going to lift their life to eternal perspective. They will be doing their work from an eternal perspective. Most times the calling of God may not make us to leave our jobs and careers but will definitely give eternal perspectives to them. By eternal perspective I mean seeing whatever we do from God's point of view. This we do by finding out whether what I do and how I do it will bring glory to God. With such attitude we will begin to work with the motive of bringing glory to God.

It's time to allow Jesus make us and by that bring glory to God through your work.