
A man travels round the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.- George Moore. Welcome home!

Monday, February 22, 2010


I am a thinker and the art of thinking requires that we sit down and ask questions. I understand that in Philosophy, questions are more important than answers. This is because questions provide the raw material for great results and achievements. Every great result achieved has been a direct product of questions. The more questions we can ask, the more raw materials we generate to work on issues and pressing problems. He is a failure who doesn’t ask questions because he will live within the range of the status quo.

Recently, I noted that I’ve not been doing a particular thing for a long time and the question was, “why did I stop doing that thing?” I had stopped for certain reasons which though may be genuine but were not sufficient enough to make me withdraw. It’s almost amazing what can happen when we begin to ask the question, why? If we are sincere, we will discover that why is so crucial, maybe more crucial than we can imagine.

What is so important about this question, ‘why’? Firstly the question, ‘why’ reveals the motive behind our actions. Why are we doing what we are doing? Why do we want to get into that business? It’s important to realise that intent precedes content. Intention is more important than action. This is because if our intention is wrong then our actions, no matter how good they may appear, will not be right. They can only be manipulative at best and seductive at worst.
Secondly, why defines our scope. It helps us to know region, our sphere of operation. Coca Cola Company is not into software development. Understanding why helps us to concentrate our energies to the right direction. Why helps us to focus. It limits us and maximizes us. It strengthens our resolves and invigorates us.

Thirdly, why helps us to know the resources we need to achieve our objective. It is important to understand why as it will enable us to know how and where to channel our resources. Lack of proper understanding of why, has led to so much waste of scarce resources. Because many people haven’t asked why they were created, they tend to dangle from one thing to another. This leads to waste of both time and energy. We cannot afford to waste our time on earth as we are not staying here forever. We have limited time and for us to maximize it we must ask the question, ‘why’.

The question why opens our latent resources. When you begin to ask why, you will begin to discover that you have what it takes to move far forward than where you are now. You will suddenly discover that you are more than what you are now. It will be a case of scales falling off from your eyes. You will remain where you are presently until you ask why.

Who do you direct your why to? Our most important questions must be channelled to God. This is because He is our Creator, our Manufacturer. He alone knows who we are and why we are. We must find out from Him. This we do in prayer and looking at the manual He gave us, the Bible. Inside that book are all answers you’ll need and more. No one knows a product like its manufacturer and no book can be more explicit than the manufacturer’s manual. Get the manual of God for your life and study it, then watch how your questions will be answered.

If you are still the way you were years ago, the reason may be because you haven’t asked the question why? Ask yourself, why am I single? Why am I poor? Why am I jobless? Why do I feel lonely? The more whys you can ask the better. Give your life a thorough look. Don’t settle for less when you can be more. Don’t settle for a mediocre life. Those who got to the topmost tops didn’t get there by wishing, they got there by asking why. They moved when the changed their reasoning about themselves and their situations.

The time to move forward is now but that will happen if you begin to question the status quo. The future belongs to the one who will ask why. You will never know what you can do until you begin to question yourself about you are doing and where you are. The time is now. Get up and take your destiny. Challenge your challenges and watch how thing can change. Don’t ever fail to ask this all important question, WHY.

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