
A man travels round the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.- George Moore. Welcome home!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Before God Gives

There is no day or moment when heaven is not been bombarded with requests from people all over the world. We have many desires and requests and sincerely believe that God who has promised to answer us will always do as He has said. But unfortunately, things don’t work that way. That you spent hours and days in prayer requesting for certain things from God wouldn’t mean your requests will be granted. Certain things will have to be in place.

Abraham was given the promise of a son by God and since he believed God and waited patiently for God’s promise, he eventually received the promise. But the promise wasn’t really his until his encounter with God at the Mount Moriah. God told Abraham to sacrifice this beloved son of his and waited to see what he would do. Abraham obeyed God in totality and God assured him of His eternal blessing on him and his offspring. Why did God send Abraham to the Mount? Why would God instruct Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son? God wanted to deliver Abraham from Isaac.

The issue of deliverance is a cardinal one. We pray for many things but get no answer because God has not succeeded to deliver us from what we are asking for. God will not give you what He hasn’t delivered you from. Because God delivered Abraham from Isaac, He gave him Isaac. If you want anything from God, trust God to deliver you from it else you may not receive it eventually.

Why does God do this? Because anything He has not delivered you from has the potency to destroy you. It has the power to replace God in your life. It can blindfold you from the ultimate purposes of God for your life. It can transform to the end instead of the means. So for these and other reasons God keeps working in you to prepare you for what He has already prepared for you. Until He achieves this deliverance in you, He may not release the answers to your requests. Therefore allow God to tidy up His work in you and watch Him bless you beyond your wildest imagination.

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