
A man travels round the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.- George Moore. Welcome home!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Make Your Choice

Being a man is not easy. Indeed, it could cost you everything in life to be a real man. It is appalling to see majority of people go through life without actually becoming the man of their dreams. Many end up as failures and wonder why after all their efforts.

One thing emerges as I look at the Scriptures and life in general. I see that you cannot use a crooked means to attain a straight end. The means determines the end. If the means is wrong, then the end will be wrong. The advent of computers and internet has raised our options and multiplied our choices. But technology cannot take the place of principles.

Life follows established patterns. The most potent being the pattern of choices and consequences. Every choice has consequence. The consequences may be delayed but not denied. It may take a long time but will surely manifest. While we don’t have the power to determine consequences we have the power to make choices. We have the power to choose our life patterns, values and priorities. The consequences derive their origin from our choices.

The Scriptures say, “In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were empty, and the travellers walked through crooked ways” (Judges 5:6). Not only is this true in times past, it is very true in our time. There are highways and crooked ways. Incidentally, the crooked ways are more appealing than the highways and many easily choose them. Shortcuts will cut your life short. The success attained following crooked ways is transient and temporal. True success can only be found in the highways of diligence, honesty, competence and host of other time tested principles. The choice is yours. I have made my choice and it is the highways. What about you?

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