
A man travels round the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.- George Moore. Welcome home!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Power of Words

Recently, I read in one of our national dailies of a couple who got married after more than seventeen years of separation. They were friends before the need for education and job put them apart. But seventeen years prior to this time the young came to visit her family and dropped a love letter for her. Incidentally she didn’t see the letter for seventeen years. When she did, it led to the reconnection and ultimately marriage.

You cannot afford to underestimate the power of what is written. What is written does not change with time. It remains constant and enduring. It has the power to change people. Imagine the magnitude of damage that has been done to humanity just because someone took time to write error. But if what is written has the power to destroy then also what is written can have the power to transform.

Of all writings the greatest is that which has the power to impact and transform the conscience. And there is no other writing that has that power than the Bible. The Bible has endured the greatest persecution, suffered the greatest attacks and assaults but has outlived and outlasted its persecutors. This is because of its Author-God. Since God is the Author of the Bible no man can destroy it either now or ever.

Therefore if we want to live and endure the test of time, the Bible must be our Book. Choose the word of God as contained in the Bible as the ultimate the determinant of your actions, beliefs and lifestyle and you will be glad you did. Let me ask you, “have you read the Bible today?”

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