
A man travels round the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.- George Moore. Welcome home!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Take Time to Communicate

For two Sundays running my wife and I had not seen a beloved sister in Church and so while at home after a refreshing time in Church she brought it to my notice. We took time to call her to find out how she was faring. She was so happy and took time to explain her situation to us. It was indeed a very warm session.

The most potent way to sustain a relationship is communication. Lack of good and proper communication is the major reason breakdown in most relationships. No one has the power to know what is in another person’s heart except through communication. When we communicate we establish and strength our relationships.

Communication gives you access to people’s experiences and challenges. It enables you to know how people think and why they behave in certain ways. It enables you to know how best to deal with certain people and varying situations. It equips you to know when and how best to support and intercede for people. In fact, there can’t be a good relationship without communication.

For communication to be effective it must meet certain conditions. One of the greatest conditions is: Seek to understand then to be understood. The challenge is we always want to be understood before seeking to understand. As long as we do this, we will never build a good relationship. But when we seek to understand others, it prepares the ground for us to be received and understood. This is in agreement with the Scriptures, “Treat others as you want them to treat you. This is what the Law and the Prophets are all about “(Mat 7:12).

Most communication problems will be solved by adherence to this condition. Therefore step out today and make a difference by applying this rule to your life and relationships.

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